My Favourite Breathing Apps

There are so many breathing exercises out there which have amazing benefits for our body, mind and energy field. Some are simple and can be practised by anyone whereas others are advanced and need a professional to help train the person.

I personally would like to share some of the simplest and easiest apps for breathing to increase your lung capacity and create optimal health.


This is such a relaxing app. I love the visuals and just by watching it makes me calm and relaxed. It gives you 5 different exercises to practice and also to adjust the length of your practice. My 2 favourite ones are square and ujjayi breathing.

Rhythmic Breathing Trainer

This is a great guided breathing app to do 4 phases of breathing (inhale, hold, exhale, hold or empty) You can adjust the phases and make them more challenging by time. It’s perfect for breath retention practices.

These 2 apps are a great way to start if you are a beginner or even an advanced breathing master. What I generally teach in my sessions is combining energy with the breath through conscious connected breathing. This is to heal and release the energy blocks that have been in the body and allow the energy to flow freely in all the bodies, i.e. physical, emotional, mental and energetic. What is unique about this technique is that there is no breath retention and it helps create an effortless merging of the inhale and the exhale in a relaxed manner to experience a state of peace, openness and overall wellbeing.

“The unity of Spirit with matter, experienced physiologically.” – Leonard Orr founder of Rebirthing Breathwork

To experience a conscious connected breathing session please go to