Akashic Records Horoscope

Your Monthly Akashic Records Horoscope

May 2024

Human Collective Akashic Records

Emotional Healing

As a collective there will be a lot of you dealing with important paperwork, finalising projects or starting projects, legalising business and ensuring everything is in alignment with the right rules and regulations. Now is the time to seek justice and get a balanced and fair outcome. On the other hand, a lot will be purging emotionally and will be wanting to be alone to heal and restore their broken heart. However, don’t stay in withdrawal for too long, since it is a start of new love chapters, that will be compatible, loving and in harmony.

Number 8 is showing up bringing in the energy of power, authority, strength and organization.

Aries Akashic Records

Let your soul soar.

This is a month of new beginnings in your love life. There is a wonderful opportunity to ignite your passion with someone who really understands you, respects you and equally is interested in you. Be open to love that fuels you and makes you feel fulfilled. However, you need be careful with your money. Don’t overspend or give away money. Be mindful and work towards developing a prosperous mindset to not get worried on any added expenses that may arise.

Number 1 is showing up bringing in the energy of unity, harmony, resets and new beginnings.

Taurus Akashic Records

Trust the Universe

It’s a rare opportunity where you are guided to develop trust and let go, yet also to create and manifest by commanding the universe with what you want. All your decisions this month should be based on intuitive advice and to give time before taking any necessary steps. Be careful of energetic imbalances and negative thinking. You will require energy balancing to bring you back into alignment.

Number 2 is showing up bringing in the energy of contrast, changes, duality and reflection.

Gemini Akashic Records

Tap into your power

You already have all the tools to get you where you want to be, yet you need to be reminded and guided to lead you to your power and purpose. The more you focus on stillness, the more you’ll have your emotions balanced and have your wishes fulfilled. Although money and prosperity will come easily to you, be grateful. Your throat chakra will require balancing and clearing from old stagnant energy to achieve freedom.

Number 9 is showing up bringing in the energy of completed lessons, harvest, fulfillments and endings.

Cancer Akashic Records

Determine a state of balance

Whatever has upset you, know it is gone and you don’t need to deal with it again. Let it go and work towards achieving balance in your life. Don’t exaggerate situations but know many of them are the reflection of what’s happening internally with you. You are blessed with someone who understands you and is standing by you no matter what. Count your blessings and notice how much more comfortable you feel.

Number 2 is showing up bringing in the energy of duality, extremes, double sided and yin yang balance.

Leo Akashic Records

Don’t resist the change

A time of endings and abrupt changes which is for your own benefit. It can be in any area of your life and this is going to open up space to see the truth about so many things you had been questioning. Your life is moving forward, no more looking at the past. Accept the change and have the courage to see things as they are, really! On the plus side, your wealth will increase and you will be more aligned to what makes your prosperous.

Number 3 is showing up bringing in the energy of birth, expansion and growth.

Virgo Akashic Records

Be forewarned

The crumbling of what doesn’t serve you will take place to remind you to make the necessary life changes. Anything that has been limiting you will leave your life. You can either see this as a blessing or chaos. It’s time to learn from the lesson and build healthier foundations. If you feel like being by yourself, use it as an opportunity to reflect, learn and rise above. Conserve your energy and deal with one thing at a time. Don’t overwhelm yourself.

Number 6 is showing up bringing in the energy of responsibility, self-exploration and harmony.


Libra Akashic Records

Continue moving forward

This is a time of resting and restoring your energy after some challenges that may arise. This is karmic experience that you need to go through to come out fully aligned with your higher purpose. The focus is on your spiritual growth. Don’t let any changes bring you down, as they are catalyst for healing and growth and you will be positively transformed.

Number 4 is showing up bringing in the energy of connecting to your soul. setting foundations and transformation.

Scorpio Akashic Records

Take advantage of the opportunity

If you feel bored and discontent from life, things will turn around this month as you get to see swift movement forward. All that you have been working towards manifesting will start to become a reality. You will still need to have a reality check to see if you are happy with the outcome. Allow yourself to see the bigger picture and everything will fall into place.

Number 5 is showing up bringing in the energy of change, freedom and acceleration in your heart’s desires.

Sagittarius Akashic Records

Expand your consciousness

You can’t get to where you want to be by having fear trapped in your mind and body. This month you are being guided to accelerate your spiritual growth and connection to no longer allow any kind of sabotage in your life. If you don’t make the necessary changes, you won’t experience the life you wish to have and this is your responsibility to take charge and be free from any negativity.

Number 8 is showing up bringing in the energy of strength, control and expansion.

Capricorn Akashic Records

Accept change

This is a reminder that nothing in life is a standstill, it’s in constant flux. You are being asked to face challenges with courage and wisdom. Your psychic sensitivity will be quite intense, since you’ll feel things and it’s up to you to train yourself to receive the guidance. Dedicate time learning esoteric information to guide you spiritually on handling life in the best way possible.

Number 9 is showing up bringing in the energy of completion, strength and transitions. (similar to last month)

Aquarius Akashic Records

Receive material gains (continued from last month)

You are still in the energies of increasing your wealth, harvesting what you have worked for and being able to manifest more. You will have to make wise choices this month. Anything pending will be resolved in May and you will notice how things will move faster. However, you will have to face some of your fears and bring them to light and that will fully liberate you in feeling your best self.

Number 9 is showing up bringing in the energy of fulfilment, endings and facing your shadow.

Pisces Akashic Records

Live in hope

This is your chance to change your perspective and give up being indecisive or worrisome. Know that your mind is sabotaging you and your role is to focus on what brings you joy by trusting life wants the best for you. You will have more abundance rolling in your life easily so be grateful to what life is offering you. There is so much light pouring for you. Embrace it!

Number 1 is showing up bringing in the energy of new beginnings, reset, rebirth and will power.

Unlock your Personalised Akashic Records Horoscope for just 185AED/50 $

You’ll receive a 15-minute audio recording from Maria for the month ahead, featuring:

  1. Detailed insights from the Akashic Records and personalised horoscope readings.
  2. Moon phase insights and affirmations crafted for clarity and empowerment.
  3. Tailored healing recommendations for your soul’s desires.
  4. Guidance on using crystals for protection, energy, and manifestation.
  5. Cosmic support to focus on areas needing attention and growth.

Book now to uncover the secrets of the month ahead, tailored uniquely to you. Embrace your potential and live authentically with us. (Please provide your date of birth for a truly personalised experience).