How does healing and transformation work?

Dear Readers

Happiness to All.

Let me give it to you straight away. All healing is self-healing!

That basically summarises the whole idea of healing and transformation in all areas of your life.

You and I come from the same source of energy, the infinite intelligence, God, the Creator, whatever name you wish to call it. However, what makes each one of us different is how we perceive life and ourselves.

The perception is a combination of your soul’s experience, your cellular memory from your parents and ancestors, your cultural, religious and social backgrounds and the human collective consciousness as a bigger background.

When you “choose” to take a deeper look at your life and why certain things happen or don’t happen you begin to expand your awareness on mental and karmic patterns. This, by the way, is a never ending journey. Simply because we are made up of many layers of beliefs and identities that we can have difficulty to let go of.

So what is the role of a coach/healer ?

They are there to remind you that you create your reality and help you shed those layers. They usually play a role for you and trigger subconscious memories of certain “close” people in your life, e.g. your parents. The challenging experience is when they do not trust the facilitator nor the process. This could be because the facilitator is resembling a painful disappointing experience for them or they generally do not have trust towards life and the infinite intelligence.

Similarly, it is important to not put healers/coaches/gurus on pedestals because that subconsciously limits your own power of self-healing.

On a deeper spiritual level, the connection between both the giver and receiver of healing can be karmic, where they are exchanging experience to learn from one another, as it is with any relationship. We are all here exchanging energy, knowledge and experience.

If you have experienced profounds shifts in your life from a healing/coaching session it is simply because of our allowance first and foremost and then the energy and experience that is being directed towards you from the coach/healer.

Finally, its worth knowing that like attracts like. The person you choose to work with is on some level in match with your energy, otherwise it goes against the law of attraction which is the non-exclusive law of the universe.

Thank you