Akashic Records Horoscope

Your Monthly Akashic Records Horoscope

August 2024

Human Collective Akashic Records

Power & Prosperity

It’s the perfect timing for many to rise above their financial struggles and plan ahead for a much brighter and abundant future. Many will start new ventures which will create new prosperous beginnings. Collaborations are key to getting your wishes come true and remembering “no man is an island”.
Confidence brings power and that’s what most are going to tap into this month especially on the auspicious day of August 8. Be bold and fierce and that’s how you will get things done this month, which will help you anchor long term success.

Number 8 is showing up bringing in the energy of resilience, boldness, wealth and success.

Aries Akashic Records


You are being reminded to create a balanced life between your human desires and your spiritual path. Both compliment one another. Although there is much to celebrate and have fun, make sure you also go deep within to contemplate and reflect on your life path. This is a preparatory month for September as you will be witnessing a stronger calling to have a healthy mind body and soul connection. Make everyday count with the intention that you can have it all.

Number 11 is showing up bringing in the energy of Angelic protection, harmony, and spiritual strength.

Taurus Akashic Records

New relationships

You are doing great this month with a lot of social changes and new alliances entering your life. Expect a fun travel that will influence your life to the better. Although there is a lot going on, remember to keep a healthy routine. You might get distracted with your social life and work life that you also need to focus on family and your me time. Whoever enters your life this month or proposes a deal, take it and you’ll reap the rewards later.

Number 11 is showing up bringing in the energy of change, angelic guidance, and soul contracts.

Gemini Akashic Records


Don’t be fooled by the low key energy of this month. You might not have much going on in your life, but you are being asked to manifest, manifest, manifest. Some old relationships might come back in your life, but this doesn’t mean you need to take them back, simply it can be the last goodbye where you let them go. If a part of you feels discontent, know that this is a quiet month to give you time to work in your inner world in creating the future you want.

Number 4 is showing up bringing in the energy of stability, creation and future prospects.

Cancer Akashic Records

Being supported

You are going to experience a flow of blessings this month. Whatever challenges you may have felt in the past month, now life is telling you: “Ask and it shall be recieved”. Those needing support with their hormones this is a month to heal and rejuvenate your body. Things will become easier as the month unfolds and a major breakthrough is bound to happen. Keep your focus on your spiritual strength through different practices. You don’t need to do much this month, rest and let things flow.

Number 9 is showing up bringing in the energy of transformation, endings, and healing.

Leo Akashic Records

Radical transformation

As you start the month you are being deeply pushed to make changes in your life. You won’t be the same person by the end of August. You will be tested on some of your biggest pattens and addictions. Don’t take this month lightly and if you wish to let it pass smoothly listen to wise advice coming your way.
Once the month ends you will have understood why life made sure you complete this karmic cycle. Get ready for the coming months to be the beginning of a new chapter in your life. Brace yourself.

Number 5 is showing up bringing in the energy of change, fluctuations and life lessons.

Virgo Akashic Records


You are finally overcoming all the hardship. This is a month to celebrate and have a fresh start. All your hard work has paid off. Expect financial rewards. You deserve it all. Realize if you came through all the challenges, you can achieve anything, that’s why you should give yourself a pat on the back. Let the decisions you make be driven by your intuition and you will be happy with the results. Get ready to reap the rewards.

Number 6 is showing up bringing in the energy of self sufficiency, financial gains and success. 

Libra Akashic Records


There is a lot going on for you. Your health is asking for your attention, so get exercising and toning your body. Whatever you start now, will help you get long term results. You are happily celebrating something but also a part of is heartbroken for something else. No matter whatever it is that didn’t work out, there are other things working out in your favor. You have come this far, don’t let yourself down. You can do more and have it all.

Number 4 is showing up bringing in the energy of steady growth, foundation and realizations.

Scorpio Akashic Records


This is a positive month but you need to be careful to not fall into conflicts and arguments. You might have to leave certain people behind, because they are “just not getting you”, and that’s fine. Relationship reshuffling is key this month. Some will stay and others will leave. Keep your main focus on your family as you are receiving some happy news there. Make sure you dedicate some time to connect and open up your crown chakra, you will get so much peace and clarity by this practice.

Number 7 is showing up bringing in the energy of spiritual advancement, relationship changes and expansion.

Sagittarius Akashic Records


You are enjoying getting some financial gains this month. New projects and collaborations are on the horizon, so grab the opportunity before it slips away. The steps you take this month will influence your family directly so be wise in your decisions. Seek advice from a much more experienced and wiser person. You will need some more peace and quiet this month so meditation is your best friend. Expect some synchronicities and good news!

Number 5 is showing up bringing in the energy of wisdom, freedom and realignment.

Capricorn Akashic Records

Wishes coming true

Your prayers have been answered. So many of the things you have been longing for are coming to fruition and there is an abundance of it. However some decisions need to be taken seriously and with patience. Over time things will unfold leading into better situations and the right people in your life. Don’t rush into things. Your biggest ease this month is money, the more you focus on it, the more you can attract. Remember to keep yourself grounded and focused on your goals.

Number 3 is showing up bringing in the energy of contentment, abundance and enthusiasm.

Aquarius Akashic Records

Overcoming challenges

Some difficulties may arise because of the mercury retrograde impacting you directly. You might feel you are walking on egg shells. You need to be cautious to not dwell on the challenges as you might have to face a few. The good news is you will conquer them all but by the end of the month you will feel exhausted and as if no one is there to give you a helping hand. Let it out, speak to someone you trust. Thankfully you have a beautiful soul who fully understands you and this can be your lover, spouse or new love interest filling up your heart with joy.

Number 1 is showing up bringing in the energy of solitude, new relationship and courage.

Pisces Akashic Records

New chapter

You ended a karmic chapter and now a new cycle has started. This involves travel, relocation, and drastic new decisions. Let your heart lead the way and you will be in your full power. All the decisions you make this month will be positive. Your confidence level is high and you are being able to tap into your true potential. Make this month count.

Number 0 is showing up bringing in the energy of new beginnings, resilience and inspiration.

Unlock your Personalised Akashic Records Horoscope for just 185AED/50 $

You’ll receive a 15-minute audio recording from Maria for the month ahead, featuring:

  1. Detailed insights from the Akashic Records and personalised horoscope readings.
  2. Moon phase insights and affirmations crafted for clarity and empowerment.
  3. Tailored healing recommendations for your soul’s desires.
  4. Guidance on using crystals for protection, energy, and manifestation.
  5. Cosmic support to focus on areas needing attention and growth.

Book now to uncover the secrets of the month ahead, tailored uniquely to you. Embrace your potential and live authentically with us. (Please provide your date of birth for a truly personalised experience).