Here are some effective ways to remind you of your magnificence and get your self-worth rising. Why? Because you deserve it!
Your emotions are indicators of what’s going on in your subconscious programming. Instead of fighting with them or drowning in them, accept them to help you move forward. All emotions are valid. Don’t be hard on yourself when you don’t feel your best. Energy healing and mindfulness practice are tools to transform unhealthy emotions to healthy uplifting ones.
It can be useful to listen to advice and follow them. However, feeling the need to do something is not going to last. When you train your mind by saying: “I can do this!”, your brain starts to function differently, making it come up with more productive ideas. Also, the LAW of ATTRACTION will bring you opportunities and situations that match with the thought “I CAN”.
It’s nice to get compliments and to be appreciated, but there is one ultimate truth: Change is inevitable. If you rely on anyone outside yourself for validation, you can’t guarantee it. Giving yourself a pat on the back and valuing yourself is much more sustainable, and when others do it for you, it’ll be a bonus!
Repeat after me: LIFE IS A JOURNEY!
On this journey you are going to learn lessons and along the way you’ll experience making mistakes which are opportunities for growth. You can’t expect to know everything at once. Forgive your old self and embrace the new you.
We all have something we love doing. Not sure what they are? Write down 10 things you enjoy doing. Don’t judge yourself or compare with others, write whatever they are. Prioritise the top 5 and make sure you do them weekly. Additional tip: Think of creative ways to make a living out of your top 5.
You are worthy of love! It’s time to give more to yourself. Take the steps today and in a short while you’ll be thankful you did!